Proximity ligation assay for high-content profiling of cell signaling pathways on a microfluidic chip
Blazek M, Betz C, Hall MN, Reth M, Zengerle R, Meier M.
Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013;12(12):3898-907
Mol Cell Proteomics. online article
Here, we present the full integration of a proximity ligation assay (PLA) on a microfluidic chip for systematic cell signaling studies. PLA is an in situ technology for detection of protein interaction, post-translational modification, concentration, and cellular location with single molecule resolution. Analytical performance advances on chip are achieved, including full automation of the biochemical PLA steps, target multiplexing, and reduction of antibody consumption by two orders of magnitudes compared to standard procedures. In combination with a microfluidic cell-culturing platform, control over 128 cell culture microenvironments is gained. The miniaturized PLA chip establishes a biotechnological tool for general cell signaling studies and their dynamics relevant for a broad range of biological inquiry.