Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

The iRoCS Toolbox - 3D analysis of the plant root apical meristem at cellular resolution


Schmidt T, Pasternak T, Liu K, Blein T, Aubry-Hivet D, Dovzhenko A, Duerr J, Teale W, Ditengou FA, Burkhardt H, Ronneberger O, Palme K.

Plant J. 2014;77(5):806-14

Plant J          online article

To achieve a detailed understanding of processes in plant roots an intrinsic root coordinate system (iRoCS) has been developed as a reference model for the root apical meristem of plants. iRoCS enables direct and quantitative comparison between the root tips of plant populations at single-cell resolution. The iRoCS Toolbox automatically fits standardized coordinates to raw 3D image data. The power of the technique was shown using elements of the auxin transport system.