Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

WOX5 suppresses CYCLIN D activity to establish quiescence at the center of the root stem cell niche


Forzani C, Aichinger E, Sornay E, Willemsen V, Laux T, Dewitte W, Murray JA.

Curr Biol. 2014;24(16):1939-44.

Curr Biol.        online article

The tip of the Arabidopsis root contains stem cells, which are under control by cells in the quiescent center (QC). WOX5 is expressed in the QC, and lengthens the cell cycle. However, ectopic expression of CYCD3;3 in the QC is sufficient to induce cell division in the QC. WOX5 suppresses QC divisions in part by interacting with the CYCD3;3 promoter to repress its expression.