Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Centrifugo-pneumatic multi-liquid aliquoting -parallel aliquoting and combination of multiple liquids in centrifugal microfluidics


Schwemmer F, Hutzenlaub T, Buselmeier D, Paust N, von Stetten F, Mark D, Zengerle R, Kosse D

Lab Chip. 2015;15(15):3250-8.

Lab Chip.            online article

The generation of mixtures with precisely metered volumes is essential for reproducible automation of laboratory workflows. So far no solution exists for assays that require simultaneous aliquoting of multiple, different liquids and the subsequent pairwise combination of aliquots with full fluidic separation before combination. Here, we introduce the centrifugo-pneumatic multi-liquid aliquoting designed for parallel aliquoting and pairwise combination of multiple liquids. All pumping and aliquoting steps are based on a combination of centrifugal forces and pneumatic forces.