Pneumatic siphon valving and switching in centrifugal microfluidics controlled by rotational frequency or rotational acceleration
Zehnle S, Schwemmer F, Bergmann R, von Stetten F, Zengerle R, Paust N
Microfluid Nanofluid DOI 10.1007/s10404-015-1634-9
Microfluid Nanofluid online article
Air-pressure-mediated, pneumatic siphon valves employ temporary storage and subsequent release of pneumatic energy, exclusively controlled by rotation of the disk. We introduce new concepts for pneumatic siphon valving which enable operation of the disk at any rotational frequency without unwanted bursts of the siphon valves. Thus, the design space for pneumatic siphon valves in centrifugal microfluidics is significantly extended. Three types of pneumatic siphon valves are presented.