Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Best options for the exposure of traditional and innovative moss bags: A systematic evaluation in three European countries

Capozzi F, Giordano S, Aboal JR, Adamo P, Bargagli R, Boquete T, Di Palma A, Real C, Reski R, Spagnuolo V, Steinbauer K, Tretiach M, Varela Z, Zechmeister H, Fernández JA.

Environ Pollut. 2016 Apr 21;214:362-373.

Environ Pollut.       online article

To develop an internationally standardized protocol for the moss bag technique application in air pollution monitoring, we performed a comprehensive field study in three European countries. The exposure sites represented oceanic, Mediterranean and continental climate. Our results were confirmed in all the countries and scenarios tested. The adoption of a shared exposure protocol by the research community is strongly recommended since it is a key aspect to make biomonitoring surveys directly comparable, also in view of its recognition as a monitoring method by the EU legislation.