Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

A single-target mitochondrial RNA editing factor of funaria hygrometrica can fully reconstitute RNA editing at two sites in physcomitrella patens

Schallenberg-Rüdinger M, Oldenkott B, Hiss M, Trinh PL, Knoop V, Rensing SA.

Plant Cell Physiol. 2017;58(3):496-507

Plant Cell Physiol.         online article

Nuclear-encoded pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins are key factors for site-specific RNA editing, converting cytidines into uridines in plant mitochondria and chloroplasts. The PPR_78 ortholog of the related moss Funaria hygrometrica fully complements the Physcomitrella mutant for editing at both sites, although the editing site in rps14 is lacking in Funaria. Editing factor orthologs in different taxa may thus retain editing capacity for multiple sites despite the absence of editing requirement.