Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Sexual reproduction, sporophyte development and molecular variation in the model moss Physcomitrella patens: introducing the ecotype Reute

Hiss M, Meyberg R, Westermann J, Haas FB, Schneider L, Schallenberg-Rüdinger M, Ullrich KK, Rensing SA.

Plant J. 2017;90(3):606-620.

Plant J           online article

For the model moss P. patens collections of accessions are available, and have been used for phylogenetic and taxonomic studies, but few have been investigated further for phenotypic differences. Here, we focus on the Reute accession and provide expression profiling and comparative developmental data for several stages of sporophyte development, as well as information on genetic variation via genomic sequencing. We confirm that Reute is a P. patens ecotype, and suggest its use for reverse-genetics studies that involve the full life cycle.