Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Generic and reversible opto-trapping of biomolecules

Beyer HM, Thomas OS, Riegel N, Zurbriggen MD, Weber W, Hörner M

Acta Biomater. 2018;79:276-282.

Acta Biomater.           online article

Here, we report the development of a generic opto-trap to reversibly bind and release biomolecules with high spatiotemporal control by illumination with noninvasive and cell-compatible red and far-red light. We use the Arapidopsis thaliana photoreceptor phytochrome B to regulate the release of diverse proteins from a variety of material scaffolds. Fusion of a short 100 amino acids "PIF-tag", derived from the phytochrome interacting factor 6, renders arbitrary molecules opto-trap-compatible.