& Career
Gender Equality
The BIOSS Cluster of Excellence makes the most of the opportunities granted by the Excellence Initiative to distinguish itself as a beacon for research, scientific exchange and networking. Practice-oriented gender equality offers a framework for developing and cultivating all of our employees’ resources. This means identifying their needs, finding solutions to problems quickly and unbureaucratically and integrating all of BIOSS’s members. For this reason, BIOSS makes equal opportunity its highest priority when hiring faculty and staff for all positions, including top management. We therefore support our team with any gender equality issues they may have and work to promote young researchers.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Johannes Kaiser Tel: +49 761 203 97372 Email:
Christine Ehler Tel: +49 761 203 97374 Email:
Women at BIOSS
At BIOSS, as at the University of Freiburg, we believe in advancing women’s personal career tracks and motivating them as scientists by providing excellent institutional conditions. This means enhancing communication and networking within the scientific community. BIOSS promotes this in many different ways.
- In accordance with the University of Freiburg's gender equality guidelines set for 2008 - 2011, BIOSS maintains gender equality when appointing professors. The Cluster was able to successfully appoint the following excellent scientists in top positions in Freiburg: Prof. Carola Hunte (Structural Biology) from Leeds, Prof. Bettina Warscheid (Functional Proteomics) from Bochum, Junior Professor Virginie Lecaudey (Organogenesis) from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Prof. Maja Köhn and Prof. Barbara Di Ventura from EMBL, Heidelberg.
- The Cluster’s goal is also to maintain gender equality when appointing postdoc and Ph.D. positions and is proud of the results.
- The women researchers in BIOSS’s committees and Advisory Board ensure that BIOSS remains a family-friendly and equal-opportunity place to work. Women scientists contribute key incentives to the decision-making processes at BIOSS, and their leadership qualities significantly enhance the Cluster's development.
- BIOSS works to proactively attract women scientists when hiring and selecting team members.
- The Barbara Hobom Prize of €10,000, which BIOSS awards annually, gives young women scientists more opportunities to develop and successfully launch their careers.
- One of the Centre's main goals is to raise the visibility of women researchers in the scientific world. BIOSS therefore invites top women scientists to speak at its symposiums and conferences, ensuring that the work of women researchers is adequately represented.
- BIOSS educates its members about how to best promote women's advancement and how to offer professional development and mentoring programmes. It also helps them motivate established women scientists in the Cluster to take part in professional development programmes.
- BIOSS fully conforms to the recommendations of the gender equality guidelines of the University of Freiburg by ensuring gender equality in its press and public relations work and by using gender-neutral language.
Parents at BIOSS
One of BIOSS’s main goals in gender equality is to help parents achieve a balance between family and career. Cluster members who are mothers and fathers can benefit from the following services:
- Family-friendly scheduling for meetings and seminars
- Childcare at BIOSS’s conferences. We work together with the Childminding Association (Tagesmütterverein e.V.) of the city of Freiburg
- Reimbursement of travel costs for single parents taking children to conferences
- Assistance finding childcare or a babysitter at short notice in cooperation with the Family Service (Familienservice) of the University of Freiburg
- Assistance finding a kindergarten or childcare provider
- Long-term financial support for University childcare facilities, such as the Uni Kita Blütengarten
- Advice on working during pregnancy and maternity leave, such as arranging additional assistance for working in the laboratory and requesting flexible working (such as working from home)