Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Core Facilities at the University of Freiburg

Core Facility "Metabolomics"

The Core Facility Metabolomics offers a wide range of analytical techniques for the analysis of primary and secondary metabolites. It offers all major mass spectrometric techniques, including electrospray (ESI) and electron impact (EI) ionization methods.

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Core Facility "Electron Microscopy"

There are 3 different units of Electron Microscopy on the Campus of the University of Freiburg. Offers of these units include full sample processing and analyses including preparation, sectioning, staining and imaging. Furthermore, the imaging of diverse biological samples, e.g. organs from animals, cell cultures, freeze fracture replica of membranes, bacteria, or in vitro samples are included in the portfolio of these units.

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Core Facility "DNA / RNA Bioinformatics"

This Core Facility provides bioinformatics tools and training for transcriptomics, epigenetics and RNA biology.

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Core Facility "Imaging of Materials Systems"

This Core Facility is a specialised laboratory for microscopy and tomography. A competence network 3D visualisation is being established.

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Core Facility "Functional Processing"

A powerful core facility for functional design and efficient manufacturing of (micro-)systems and adaptive bioinspired materials, with focus on nanolithography, polymer foil technology, and additive manufacturing.

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Core Facility "Modelling and Simulation of Materials Systems"

This Core Facility provides Concept Development, Modeling and Simulation of Interactive Materials Systems

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Core Facilities located at the Faculty of Medicine

Advanced Molecular Imaging Research Center (AMIR)

The main focus of AMIR is multimodal imaging for pre-clinical and translational research. Our work  is dedicated to the fusion of cellular research and clinical projects  in development and implemen-tation of novel and advanced techniques for small animal imaging – in particular in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), small animal Ultrasound and optical imaging.

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iPS cell platform core facility (FiPS)

The Freiburg iPS Core (FiPS) is the central unit for the generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) at the University Hospital of Freiburg. In addition to the production, expansion and cell banking of human iPS cell lines, the iPS Core supports researchers and physicians in the development of experimental approaches such as novel differentiation paradigms and 3D cultures for in vitro disease modelling.

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Lighthouse Fluorescence Technologies Core Facility (LCF)

The Lighthouse Core Facility was founded to give investigators access to a broad spectrum of fluorescence-based technologies useful in answering research questions in the areas of cell and molecular biology.

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Magnetic Resonance Development and Application Center (MRDAC)

The MR development and application center offers cutting edge MR services for clinical and commercial users of MR

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Proteomic Plattform - Core Facility (ProtCF)

The Proteomics Platform - Core Facility is a joint initiative of the Institute of Clinical Pathology (IKP) and the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research (IMMZ) of the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg

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Center for Biobanking (FREEZE-Biobank)

Currently, there are several institute or project-specific biobanks at the UKF that process and manage samples individually. These individual solutions are to be standardised and professionalised within the framework of the FREEZE biobank in order to provide long-term support for successful translational research at the location.

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Clinical Trials Unit

The Clinical Trials Unit is a central facility of the University of Freiburg’s Faculty of Medicine and the Medical Center – University of Freiburg. Founded in 1997 (under its former name, Center for Clinical Studies), the Clinical Trials Unit contributes to compliance with international qualitiy standards.

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Core Facility Genomics

The Core Facility Genomics (CF Genomics) offers internal and external research groups a bundled infrastructure and expertise. It offers quality-assured, robust and efficient services for nucleic acid purification (cells, tissue incl. microdissection), single (e.g. mRNA expression, CpG-island methylation) or multiplex (e.g. mutation profiles, gene expression profiles) analysis as well as for project-specific method establishment (e.g. qPCR or NGS panel design)

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Core Facility Next Generation Sequencing (NGS-CF)

The Next Generation Sequencing Core Facility (NGS-CF) in Freiburg is a consortium of research laboratories at the Medical Center - University of Freiburg providing the technology and handling experience for any other Freiburg laboratory, wishing to perform their own next generation sequencing (NGS) reactions on site.

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