Membranes and
in signalling


BIOSS Research Area B: Oncogenic signalling
Area B Coordinator: Prof. Ian Frew
Cancer is one of the most common cause of deaths. Understanding the mechanistic basis of different types of cancers is essential in order to be able to specifically target the aberrant signaling events to develop highly patient- and tumour-specific therapies. BIOSS area B studies oncogenic signalling, with an increased focus on in vivo investigations. In this area, scientists aim to bridge fundamental and translational clinical research in order to characterise how genetic and signalling alterations in human tumours affect pathological phenotypes. Research approaches include state-of-the-art molecular and cellular investigations, the generation of sophisticated mouse models of tumours and the study of human tumour samples. A new “toolbox” is being established for experimental techniques that will greatly accelerate and standardise the generation of new mouse models. BIOSS area B strongly integrates basic researchers from the life sciences of the University of Freiburg and clinician scientists in several different departments of the Medical Center of the University of Freiburg, and relates to areas A and C through studying cancer-related membrane processes as well as developing new approaches for designing and delivering anti-cancer drugs.