
Group Members

Prof. Dr. Winfried Römer

Professor for Synthetic Biology of Signalling Processes (Germany)
+49 761 203 67500

Karin Bernauer

Secretary to Winfried Römer and Thomas Ott (Germany)

Lena Wolter

Lab Management (Germany)

 Morgan Medec

Guest Scientist (Associate Professor/Maître de conference at University of Strasbourg (France)

Training: Engineering

Keywords: Modelling, Computational biology, Biosensors

Techniques: Modeling Approaches, Numerical Simulation, Machine Learning

Dr. Siegfried (Siggie) Steltenkamp

Guest Scientist (New Technologies, OPHARDT Hygiene-Technik GmbH & Co KG) (Germany)

Training: Physics & Mathematics

Keywords: Hand Hygiene, Dispensing Solutions, and Sensory devices

Techniques: Numerical Simulation, Force & Impedance Spectroscopy, Macro- & Microfluidics,
and Microsystems Technology

Sarah Ines Frisancho Mariscal

Master Student (United Kingdom)

Training: Biology

Keywords: Lectins, Immunotherapy

Techniques: Flow Cytometry, Protein purification, Cell culture, Confocal, microscopy

Yubing Guo

PhD Student (China)

Training: Biology

Keywords: LecB, Cell Migration, Wound Healing

Techniques: Cell Culture, Western Blot, RNAi Assay, Fluorescence Microscopy

Stella Glauz

Master student (Germany)

Training: Biology

Keywords: LecB, Wound healing, Phosphatases

Techniques: Cell Culture, Flow Cytometry, Fluorescence Microscopy, Western Blot

Serap Elçin Guinot

PhD student (Turkey)

Training: Physics-Biophysics

Keywords: Lectins, endocytosis and Gb3 localization in Fabry disease-affected cells, signaling

Techniques: Flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, mammalian cell culture, western blot

Anna-Sophia Kittel

PhD student (Germany)

Daniela Neugebauer

Master Student (Germany)

Training: Biology

Keywords: Bacterial lectins, cellular changes in lysosomal storage disorders, intracellular trafficking

Techniques: Flow cytometry, cell culture, fluorescence microscopy

Francesca Rosato

PhD student (Italy)

Training: Pharmaceutical

Keywords: Lectin binding, superlectins/lectibodies, immunotherapy

Techniques: Cell Culture, FACS, Fluorescence Microscopy, Live Cell Imaging

Training: (Molecular) Biology

Keywords: Bacterial Lectins, Bacterial invasion mechanisms, Plasma membrane nano domains, Signal transduction, Bacterial detection systems

Techniques: Cell Culture, Western Blot, Infection Assays, Confocal Microscopy, Bacterial phenotypic and biochemical characterization

Lina Siukstaite

PhD student (Lithuania)

Training: Biology – Biotechnology

Keywords: Synthetic membrane fusion, Superlectins, Glycoconjugates

Techniques: Model membranes, Confocal microscopy, Protein engineering, Cell Culture

Kai Stober

PhD student (Germany)

Training: Biology

Keywords: Intracellular Bacteria, Phage Therapy, Synthetic Membrane Systems

Techniques: Vesicle Formation, Fluorescence Microscopy, Live Cell Imaging, Cell Culture, Infection Assays

Shengnan Zou

PhD student (China)

Training: Biology

Keywords: LecA, Transcytosis, Fusion protein

Techniques: Cell Culture, Western Blot, Fluorescence microscopy

Jana Tomisch

PhD student (Germany)

Training: Biology

Keywords: Lectins, CAR T-cells, Bispecific molecules, Immunotherapy

Techniques: Flow cytometry, Protein expression, cell culture, confocal microscopy


PhD - Pretty huge dog (Lithuania)

Keywords: Snacks, cuddles, Walks in a Black Forest