Prof. Dr. Winfried Römer
Professor for Synthetic Biology of Signalling Processes (Germany)

Karin Bernauer
Secretary to Winfried Römer and Thomas Ott (Germany)

Lena Wolter
Lab Management (Germany)

Morgan Medec
Guest Scientist (Associate Professor/Maître de conference at University of Strasbourg (France)
Training: Engineering
Keywords: Modelling, Computational biology, Biosensors
Techniques: Modeling Approaches, Numerical Simulation, Machine Learning

Dr. Siegfried (Siggie) Steltenkamp
Guest Scientist (New Technologies, OPHARDT Hygiene-Technik GmbH & Co KG) (Germany)
Training: Physics & Mathematics
Keywords: Hand Hygiene, Dispensing Solutions, and Sensory devices
Techniques: Numerical Simulation, Force & Impedance Spectroscopy, Macro- & Microfluidics,
and Microsystems Technology

Sarah Ines Frisancho Mariscal
Master Student (United Kingdom)
Training: Biology
Keywords: Lectins, Immunotherapy
Techniques: Flow Cytometry, Protein purification, Cell culture, Confocal, microscopy

Training: Biology
Keywords: LecB, Cell Migration, Wound Healing
Techniques: Cell Culture, Western Blot, RNAi Assay, Fluorescence Microscopy

Training: Biology
Keywords: LecB, Wound healing, Phosphatases
Techniques: Cell Culture, Flow Cytometry, Fluorescence Microscopy, Western Blot

Training: Physics-Biophysics
Keywords: Lectins, endocytosis and Gb3 localization in Fabry disease-affected cells, signaling
Techniques: Flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, mammalian cell culture, western blot

Training: Biology
Keywords: Bacterial lectins, cellular changes in lysosomal storage disorders, intracellular trafficking
Techniques: Flow cytometry, cell culture, fluorescence microscopy

Training: Pharmaceutical
Keywords: Lectin binding, superlectins/lectibodies, immunotherapy
Techniques: Cell Culture, FACS, Fluorescence Microscopy, Live Cell Imaging

Training: (Molecular) Biology
Keywords: Bacterial Lectins, Bacterial invasion mechanisms, Plasma membrane nano domains, Signal transduction, Bacterial detection systems
Techniques: Cell Culture, Western Blot, Infection Assays, Confocal Microscopy, Bacterial phenotypic and biochemical characterization

Training: Biology – Biotechnology
Keywords: Synthetic membrane fusion, Superlectins, Glycoconjugates
Techniques: Model membranes, Confocal microscopy, Protein engineering, Cell Culture

Training: Biology
Keywords: Intracellular Bacteria, Phage Therapy, Synthetic Membrane Systems
Techniques: Vesicle Formation, Fluorescence Microscopy, Live Cell Imaging, Cell Culture, Infection Assays

Training: Biology
Keywords: LecA, Transcytosis, Fusion protein
Techniques: Cell Culture, Western Blot, Fluorescence microscopy

Training: Biology
Keywords: Lectins, CAR T-cells, Bispecific molecules, Immunotherapy
Techniques: Flow cytometry, Protein expression, cell culture, confocal microscopy

PhD - Pretty huge dog (Lithuania)
Keywords: Snacks, cuddles, Walks in a Black Forest