My lab is teaching in cell biology and synthetic biology in the framework of following study programs:
- B. Sc. Biology (University of Freiburg)
Vertiefungsmodul VM-15 (cell biology) – “Zellbiologie”
Profilmodul PM-03 (synthetic biology) – “Engineering meets Biology”
Profilmodul PM-09 (immunology) – “Signalleitung in der Immun- und Tumorbiologie”
Profilmodul PM-13 (synthetic biology) – “Einführung in die Synthetische Biologie”
Profilmodul PM-20 (cell biology) – “Zellbiologie”
- M. Sc. Biology (University of Freiburg)
Wahlmodul WM-21 (cell biology) – “The cell at high resolution”
Schwerpunktmodul SP1-03 (immunobiology) – “Advanced Immunobiology I”
Schwerpunktmodul SP2-12 (biochemistry) – “Synthetic Biology and Biochemistry”
- M. Sc. Biochemistry and Biophysics (University of Freiburg)
Master Module Biochemistry II